Good Manners in School
+ Help each other as brothers in everything you do.
+ Come to school prepared with text books and the days homework done.
+ Behave well in the school bus with school mates and bus staff.
+ Do not pass comments at people in the bus or passing along the road.
+ Senior students should look after the juniors, not bully or tease them.
+ Always wish your teachers and other staff members and address them as "Sir or
+ Speak politely use the terms: - "Please"; "Excuse me"; "Thank You"; "Sorry" wherever
and whenever necessary.
+ Give way to your teachers and all school staff in the corridor and stairs.
+ Do not run or play football or slide along the corridor. You might hurt yourself and
+ Do not hurt anyone in any manner anywhere.
+ Be polite and considerate while talking, walking or playing.
+ Avoid pushing, pulling, hitting, spitting and tripping friends / classmates in the school.
+ Respect Silence Zones — Chapel, Library, Laboratory.
+ Do not walk dragging your feet on the floor.
+ Move in an orderly way while changing classrooms.
+ Do not litter the school premises.
+ Avoid chewing gum.
+ Smoking and use of mobile phone are not allowed in the school.
+ Be respectful to all guardians and parents in and outside the school.
Good Manners in the Classroom
+ Be quiet and do not play in the classroom as it is a place of study.
+ Never quarrel or fight in the classroom or school premises.
+ Keep your desk and classroom clean and tidy.
+ Stand up and wish the teacher as he / she enters or leaves the classroom.
+ Say the prayers in the beginning and at the end of the day.
+ Requests should be made politely saying "May I.....".
+ Do not shout or run about in between classes.
+ Get ready for the next class, as you wait for the teacher to arrive.
+ Listen to your teacher carefully, think before speaking or answering.
+ Do not distract the teacher in between a lesson.
+ Raise your hand when you have a doubt or an answer.
+ Listen and be attentive to others’ queries or answers.
+ Compliment each other and respect others’ ideas.
+ Take care of yours’ as well as others’ belongings.
+ Never take what belongs to others without permission.
+ At the end of the day critically examine the day’s work and activities and note down in your
diary all that you have learned or experienced.
+ School uniform must be worn neatly and properly.
+ Shirt and pants must be clean and ironed well.
+ Low waist pants are unsuitable for a gentleman.
+ Shoes must be polished.
+ Keep your body clean by bathing daily before coming to school.
+ Cut your nails and keep your hands clean.
+ Keep your hair trimmed and combed.
+ Say "sorry" or "excuse me" after sneezing, coughing, yawning.
+ Keep a distance of at least 2 feet while speaking to somebody.
+ Wash hands before eating.
+ Chew your food with mouth closed.
+ Eat slowly, take time to chew.
+ Don't make a noise while sipping or drinking.
+ Do not take food from others’ tiffin box without permission.
+ Clean your teeth and wash your mouth after eating.
+ Do not eat inside the classroom.